How are [smart] creators making use of quarantine?

From scrolling Instagram to binge-watching the entire new season of Money Heist on a single day.

In times of quarantine, it’s not just us – creators – but the whole world is dealing with how to make good use of this free time.

What are [smart] creators doing during quarantine?


At the same time, photographers, filmmakers, and other professions that depend on social interactions are all struggling with clients canceling/postponing jobs. And I do understand how anxious we can get in such unstable times.

But there’s a turnaround.

And what is creativity if not an ability to bring up solutions when the scenario is unpredictable?

So here goes a list of productive/profitable ideas + opportunities for your quarantine time.

Quarantine opportunities for creators to seize

1. Learn new techniques/software

If you’re like me you definitely have a (mental or actual) list of things you would like to learn to improve your creative skills.

From personal development to those new features that Adobe launched on Photoshop or Premiere Pro.

Or maybe even getting started with Motion Graphics on After Effects.

Well, I don’t remember the whole world stopping like it is right now. And I don’t think we’ll ever have a better opportunity of free time like this again.

I know online courses can be quite expensive, but there’s one special company that is doing just the opposite.


Skillshare has an active promotion that will give you 2 months of their premium subscription for FREE. You can sign up clicking here.

You can cancel your membership at any time, even during your free trial. But in case you don’t, after the 60 days, your premium subscription price will turn to something between $8/mo (annual) or $15/mo (monthly).

It’s quite an inexpensive platform when you compare to complete online courses out there but you will be impressed with how specialized and unique these tutorials are. Here’s a small list of useful, video tutorials I found there:

My favorite video tutorials on Skillshare

2. Make money with your creative files

The second idea is obviously the main subject of this Blog – selling your photos, videos & illustrations on stock agencies like Shutterstock.

Or maybe you can even get your old Photoshop files, Illustrator projects or After Effects files and turn them into templates that can be sold on Envato.

If you want a better idea of how much your files can earn, in the video below I disclose the earnings of some of my best selling files and what I learned from it.

Lots of people resist selling stock footage or stock photography because they don’t like the idea of having their work being purchased for a small amount of money.

But this kind of thought generally forgets to consider:

  • One single file can be sold multiple times and generate you more money than you think (hence the video above)
  • Selling stock files is passive income. Sales can happen and go on for years.
  • You don’t have to put your entire library for sale and you’ll still maintain all the rights for your files. It costs you nothing to try
  • Selling photos & videos as stock is a way to give new life to your old projects that are only wasting space on your HD.


SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY – Special discount on my online course

Temporarily, you can use the coupon code: QUARANTINE to get our 3-hour online course for only $16.99.

We strongly believe selling stock footage/photography can be a big help right now. That’s why we decided to open this promo code.